The Scout of the 116th Ohio
Transcribed by Larry Stevens
In January 1863, while at Romney, Virginia, a soldier of company I came to headquarters, and wanted to be authorized to act as a scout, and thus be able to convey news of the proximity of rebel bands in time to avoid attacks and suprises upon the regiment. After some conversation, he was asked if he thought he could deceive the rebels as to his identity in case of his capture. After a moment's reflection he replied: "I guess I can, I have deceived everyone I have ever had anything to do with so far in life." He was given the authority to scout, and some days afterward was found at a house close to the picket line, where he had been all this time "sparking" a girl. His authority to scout was revoked, but his ability to "deceive" remained unquestioned ever afterwards.From: Record of the One Hundred and Sixteenth Regiment Ohio Infantry Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion.
By: Thos. F. Wildes, Late Lt. Colonel of the Regiment
Printer: I.F. Mack & Bro. Sandusky, Ohio 1884Web Publishing Copyright © 1996 Larry Stevens
More about Ohio Civil War Stories.
Last updated March 7 1996