114th Ohio Infantry
compiled by Larry Stevens
References for this Unit
- see also Bibliography of State-Wide References
- Ohio In The War-Volume II. Whitelaw Reid. Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin. Cincinnati 1868
- The Horizon and Zenith of the Great Rebellion, or The Kansas Troubles, and the Taking of Vicksburg-Personal Adventures and Observations. John Henry Moore. Late of the 114th Regiment O.V.I. 409 pgs. Elm Street Printing Company. 176 and 178 Elm Street. Cincinnati. Ohio. 1870
- Ephraim Brown Papers. Major Ephraim Brown. 114th OVI. Civil War correspondence of Brown and his wife Drusilla. .25 cubic feet. Call# MSS 76. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio
- Letters of Martin Mericle, 1862-1877. Personal letters describing Sgt. Martin Mericle's Civil War experiences while serving with the 114th Ohio Infantry Regiment. Also includes an account book, 1863-1875. 8 items. Call# MsC106. Special Collections Department. University of Iowa Libraries. Iowa City. Iowa
- National Tribune. Port Gibson. Who Commanded the Fight? E.L. Hawk 114th OVI. December 4th, 1884
- Fort Blakely-An Account of Its Capture Written In the Field. April 10 1865 Letter by Elias Moore. Co. A. 114th OVI. pg. 51. September 10 1887. The Ohio Soldier and National Picket Guard. Chillicothe. Ohio
- National Tribune. Capture of Blakely. M.A. Sweetman 114th OVI. May 19th, 1892
- National Tribune. Chickasaw Bluffs. A.M. Sweetman 114th OVI. April 20th, 1893
- National Tribune. From Milliken's Bend to Vicksburg. M.A. Sweetman 114th OVI. August 22nd, 1895, August 29th and September 5th
- Historical Sketch of the 114th Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry. by J.L. McCafferty. 12 typewritten pgs. Mt. Sterling. Ohio. 1896. Call# PA Box 25 4. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio
- National Tribune. The Siege of Blakely. E.A. Stoneburner 114th OVI. November 30th, 1899
- National Tribune. The Mobile Explosion. Pius J. Clark 114th OVI. April 9th, 1903
- National Tribune. The Last Siege of the War. P.J. Clarke 114th OVI. September 28th, 1905. Concerns Mobile.
- National Tribune. Thompson's Hill Fight. E.L. Hawk 114th OVI. March 26th, 1925. Concerns Port Gibson.
- The Civil War Letters of the Leiby Family - 1863. Manly S. Leiby. Co K. 114th OVI. Jhonda T. Davis, Editor. pgs. 7-11. Pickaway Quarterly. June. 1964
- The Civil War Letters of the Leiby Family - 1863. Manly S. Leiby. Co K. 114th OVI. Jhonda T. Davis, Editor. pgs. 5-13. Pickaway Quarterly. Fall. 1964
- The Civil War Letters of the Leiby Family - 1863. Manly S. Leiby. Co K. 114th OVI. Jhonda T. Davis, Editor. pgs. 15-20. Pickaway Quarterly. Spring. No 2. 1966
- The Civil War Letters of the Leiby Family - 1863. Manly S. Leiby. Co K. 114th OVI. Jhonda T. Davis, Editor. pgs. 6-10. Pickaway Quarterly. Winter. 1969
- The Civil War Diaries of Michael Sweetman, Edited by Jhonda T. Davis. pgs. 16-27. Pickaway Quarterly. Fall. 1970
- The Civil War Diaries of Michael Sweetman, Part II, Edited by Jhonda T. Davis. pgs. 10-16. Pickaway Quarterly. Winter. 1971
- The Civil War Diaries of Michael Sweetman, Part III, Edited by Jhonda T. Davis. pgs. 13-17. Pickaway Quarterly. Spring. 1971
- A Union Medical Officer Views the 'Texians'. John C. Gill. pgs 481-486. Southwestern Historical Quarterly. Vol. 77. April. 1974
- The Civil War Diary of Christopher McClellan. Christopher McClellan. Co. H. 114th OVI. Co. E. 120th OVI. Interpreted by Judith H. McNally. 1994. Mrs. M. Vansoesberg. Walker. Michigan. 1994
- The Boys of Camp Circleville: Story of the 114th OVI. by W.G. Gentzel. pgs. 12-14. map. Pickaway Quarterly. Fall. 1994. Call# E525.5 114th .G46 1994x . State Library of Ohio. Columbus. Ohio
- Unit Bibliography. U.S. Army Military History Institute. Carlisle Barracks. PA. 1995
- "To His Beloved Wife and Children" The Civil War Journal of Andrew Jackson Nickell, September 1862 through August 1863. Andrew Jackson Nickell. 114th OVI. 1838-1863. Foreword by Thomas A. Nickell; edited and narrative by Randall L. Nickell. 83 leaves, [56] p. : ill., map, facsims. ; 28 cm. Wheaton, Ill.? R.L. Nickell. 1996. Call# B N532, 1996. Ohio Historical Society. Columbus. Ohio
- 114th OVI Monument. Vicksburg National Military Park. 3201 Clay Street. Vicksburg. MS. 39180. 1998
- "To His Beloved Wife and Children" The Civil War Journal of Andrew Jackson Nickell. Andrew J. Nickell. Co. E. 114th OVI. by Randy Nickell. 1999
- Diaries of Elias D. Moore. 114th OVI. Co. A. by Raymond K. Moore. 2000
Corporal Michael A. Sweetman
Co. C. 114th OVI
Organized September 11, 1862, under Colonel John Cradlebaugh, in December it joined Sherman's expedition against Vicksburg. The Regiment participated in the assault at Chickasaw Bayou, and in January moved with the army upon Arkansas Post. In the spring of 1863 it remained in camp at Young's Point and Milliken's Bend, losing over 100 men by sickness. The Regiment joined Grant's movement around Vicksburg, and participated in the battles of Champion Hills, Black River Bridge and the Siege of Vicksburg. After the surrender it moved to Louisiana and Texas and remained in active service there until January, 1865, when it was ordered to Florida. It soon returned to Texas, and in July returned to Ohio and was mustered out.
From Dyer's Compendium
114th Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Circleville, Ohio, and mustered in September 11, 1862. Ordered to Marietta, Ohio, September 12; thence to Memphis, Tenn., December 1. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 9th Division, Right Wing 13th Army Corps (Old), Dept. of the Tennessee, to December, 1862. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, Sherman's Yazoo Expedition, to January, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 9th Division, 13th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to July, 1863. 4th Brigade, 1st Division, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Tennessee, to August, 1863, and Dept. of the Gulf to September, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to March, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 13th Army Corps, to June, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 19th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf, to December, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, Reserve Corps, Military Division West Mississippi, to February, 1865. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 13th Army Corps (New), Military Division West Mississippi, to July, 1865.
SERVICE.--Sherman's Yazoo Expedition December 20, 1862, to January 3, 1863. Chickasaw Bayou December 26-28, 1862. Chickasaw Bluff December 29. Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark., January 3-10, 1863. Assault and capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, January 10-11. Moved to Young's Point, La., January 17-23, and duty there till March 8. Moved to Milliken's Bend, La., and duty there till April. Operations from Milliken's Bend to New Carthage March 31-April 17. Expedition from Perkins' Plantation to Hard Times Landing April 25-29. Phelps' and Clark's Bayous April 26. Choctaw Bayou, or Lake Bruin, April 28. Battle of Port Gibson May 1. Battle of Champion's Hill May 16. Big Black River May 17. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18-July 4. Assaults on Vicksburg May 19 and 22. Duty at Warrenton May 25 to July 14, and at Vicksburg till August 13. Ordered to New Orleans, La., August 13, and duty there till September 8. At Brashear City till October 3. Western Louisiana Campaign October 3-November 18. Moved to DeCrow's Point, Matagorda Bay, Texas, November 18-28, and duty there till January 14, 1864. At Matagorda Island till April 18. Moved to Alexandria, La., April 18-26. Red River Campaign April 26-May 22. Graham's Plantation May 5. Retreat to Morganza May 13-20. Mansura, or Marksville Prairie, May 16. Expedition to Atchafalaya May 30-June 6. Duty at Morganza till November 21. Moved to mouth of White River, Ark., November 21-26. Return to Morganza December 6. Expedition to Morgan's Ferry, Atchafalaya River, December 13-14. Moved to Kenner, La., January 8, 1865; thence to Barrancas, Fla., January 24. Campaign against Mobile, Ala., and its Defences, March 20-April 12. March from Pensacola, Fla., to Blakely, Ala., March 20-April 2. Occupation of Canoe Station March 27. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely April 2-8. Assault and capture of Fort Blakely April 9. Occupation of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery and Selma April 13-25. Duty at Selma till May 12, and at Mobile till June 13. Moved to Galveston, Texas, June 13, and duty there till July. Veterans and Recruits transferred to 48th Ohio Veteran Battalion July 24. Mustered out July 31, 1865. Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 36 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 270 Enlisted men by disease. Total 311.
Thanks to Dr. Richard A. Sauers for the initial research and indexing of the National Tribune articles.
More about the Civil War in Ohio.
Copyright © 1995 Larry Stevens
Last updated July 4 2010